Can Rabbits Eat Coconut?

Have you ever wondered if sharing a bit of coconut with your bunny is okay? This is not a food that most rabbits would encounter in their native environment, but is it safe for them to eat a few flakes when you’re having breakfast, or should this be avoided?

You should not give your rabbit coconut at any time. Although not directly toxic, this nut is very high in fat, which is not good for your bunny, and it may cause stomach problems. It also contains too much calcium, especially given that the phosphorus content is low. This can cause stones in the bladder.

Why Shouldn’t Rabbits Have Coconut?

Rabbits shouldn’t have coconut for a couple of reasons: it is high in fat, and it is high in calcium. Both of these things can be problematic and cause health complications.

The fat content can be a big issue, even if your rabbit only eats a small amount of coconut. Rabbits do not have a digestive system that is well-suited to dealing with fat, as their diet is mostly made up of very low-fat foods, like grass, leaves, and the occasional vegetable.

This means that they won’t cope well with trying to digest high-fat food, and coconut is not good for them. It may lead to constipation, diarrhea, or internal blockages because they don’t have the ability to break it down.

Furthermore, coconuts are high in sugar, which can upset the balance of bacteria in the rabbit’s stomach and will lead to weight gain. Weight gain may then cause heart problems and arthritis, so it’s important to avoid it.

The calcium and phosphorus ratio of coconut is also wrong for rabbits. Rabbits need calcium, but they also need phosphorus to help them process the calcium properly. Otherwise, it risks forming as stones in the rabbit’s bladder.

You should therefore avoid feeding coconut to your bunny, as it is overall an unsafe food and can cause a whole host of health issues, even though it is not actively toxic to them.

Are There Any Reasons To Feed Rabbits Coconut?

No, there are no good reasons to feed coconut to your rabbit. While coconuts may contain healthy nutrients, these can be obtained from other, safer foods.

You should not put coconut in your rabbit’s bowl or allow it to grab coconut from your cupboards. Some rabbits may like the smell, but this is not a safe food for them.

Do Rabbits Like Coconut?

You should not test whether your rabbit likes coconut or not, but it is possible that it will. Although rabbits sometimes know what they should and should not eat, you should not depend on this sense, and coconut is not a food that they will have encountered before. This means they may eat it even though it is unhealthy.

In their natural environment, rabbits would rarely come across high-fat foods, and this may result in them being keen to eat them when they find them in captivity. As an owner, you must prevent this from happening and ensure that your rabbit is not consuming anything high in fat.

Whether your rabbit likes coconut or not, you shouldn’t let it have any. It may show a lot of interest, especially if it has managed to steal some before, so be vigilant if you have coconut near your rabbit and it seems curious.

Can I Give My Rabbit Coconut Flakes?

No, you should not give your rabbit coconut flakes. They may seem like an insignificant portion to you, but rabbits are little creatures, and even a small amount of harmful food could be dangerous.

Do not give your rabbit any foods that contain coconut flakes, either. For example, you should not feed your rabbit any muesli or granola mixes that have coconut chips or flakes in them. Avoid coconut at all times.

Can I Give My Rabbit Coconut Milk?

Again, you should not give your rabbit coconut milk. This is still a fatty product that contains too much calcium for rabbits to deal with.

Coconut milk is often around 23 percent fat, and this can make your rabbit sick. It may also lead to quick weight gain, which could be dangerous, and it is not a necessary part of your bunny’s diet. Furthermore, the sugar could be bad for your rabbit’s teeth.

Can I Give My Rabbit Coconut Water?

Some people give their rabbits coconut water, and it is considered a treat option that encourages them to drink and stay hydrated, especially in the summer. However, you may want to be cautious about this.

Although coconut water may not be directly harmful to your rabbit, it still contains a lot of fat and sugar, and it is also slightly acidic. Be careful if you are going to let your rabbit have this.

You should only offer a very small amount, and make sure your rabbit also has the option of clean, fresh water nearby. Do not let your rabbit have coconut water on a regular basis; reserve it for a rare treat on special days.

Many rabbit owners prefer not to give their rabbits coconut water at all, as there are plenty of safer options that rabbits can enjoy.

Can Rabbits Eat Coconut Shells?

No, your rabbit will find the coconut shell too hard and of little interest. If there is leftover coconut meat inside, your rabbit will likely scrape this off, but it may not find the shell particularly engaging.

You may give a clean, meat-free coconut shell to your rabbit for a toy, and some rabbits will enjoy pushing it around or even trying to bite the edges. Your bunny probably won’t be able to break the shell but be aware that this could be a risk, as it may swallow pieces if it does succeed in breaking them off.

Overall, it may be best to choose other toys.


Rabbits cannot eat coconut, as it is too fatty and sugary for them. Avoid giving your rabbit any coconut products, and only give them the shells when you are available to supervise so you can remove them if they become dangerous.

Lou Carter

I’ve loved rabbits for as long as I can remember, so it felt natural to share my passion for lagomorphs with a much wider audience. My objective is to help owners to keep their pet rabbits happy and healthy.

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MLA Style: Carter, Lou. "Can Rabbits Eat Coconut?" Rabbit Care Tips, (August 30, 2023),

APA Style: Carter, L. (August 30, 2023). Can Rabbits Eat Coconut?. Rabbit Care Tips. Retrieved August 30, 2023, from

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