Can Rabbits Eat Pears?

Have you ever wondered if it is safe to feed pears to your rabbit? It’s always important to check before you give a new food to a rabbit, especially things like fruit, which can be high in sugar and may sometimes contain dangerous toxins.

Fortunately, pears are safe for bunnies in small amounts, and it is fine to mix a little bit of pear into your rabbit’s treat bowl every so often, especially if you do not feed it a lot of other fruit. Fed in large amounts, pear could cause dangerous digestive problems, so always limit the quantities of this fruit.

Are Pears Good For Rabbits?

Pears are good for rabbits, yes. They contain copper and antioxidants, as well as some dietary fiber, which is good for a rabbit’s digestive system. They also have vitamin C and vitamin K in them, and although rabbits produce their own vitamin C naturally, these can be beneficial.

In small amounts, therefore, pears can help boost a rabbit’s immune system and provide beneficial nutrients. However, they do not contain anything that is majorly beneficial to a rabbit, so be cautious about feeding pears too often.

Two rabbits with a pear

Are Pears Bad For Rabbits?

Pears are very high in sugar, which is something that you need to be cautious of. Most rabbits love sugar, but it is not very good for them, and can cause a variety of health issues if it is consumed in large quantities.

Given the choice, many rabbits would live on fruits like pears, but this would not be good for them at all. Rabbits need to get the majority of their diet from high fiber foods like hay and grass, and only around ten percent of their diet should come from things like fruit and vegetables. If a rabbit eats a lot of pear, it may not consume enough hay.

This can lead to all sorts of complications such as diarrhea and intestinal discomfort. It may also cause a condition known as GI stasis. This occurs when the rabbit is not eating enough fiber to keep its digestive system moving, and therefore food starts to ferment inside its guts. This can lead to gas buildup and extreme discomfort.

GI stasis can, in severe cases, be fatal, so make sure you are not giving your rabbit excessive amounts of any food that is not hay or grass. Provided it eats enough of these things, its digestive system should keep moving, but you still do need to balance what foods you give it to prevent diarrhea or stomach cramps.

How Much Pear Can A Rabbit Have?

Rabbits can have a couple of teaspoons of pear once or twice a week, but you should reduce this amount if you are feeding your rabbit other fruits too. Because most fruits are high in sugar, it’s important to think about the overall amount your rabbit is getting, and not just the individual amount of any one fruit.

This will help to ensure your rabbit isn’t getting too much sugar overall. As rabbits are vulnerable to weight issues as well as the other complications mentioned above, this is important, particularly if your rabbit is already overweight.

Do not give an overweight rabbit any sugary foods, and take things like pears completely off their menu until they have reached a normal weight again. Make sure you also take pear off the menu if your rabbit has had a lot of any other kind of fruit, or their sugar levels could increase.

Will My Rabbit Like Pear?

All rabbits are unique, and some rabbits will hate something that most bunnies love. On the whole, however, rabbits tend to enjoy pear, because it contains a lot of sugar and moisture. It is a juicy treat that they will often pick above most other foods, including things like kale and broccoli.

If you give your rabbit a piece of pear, you will probably see it grab this before anything else in the bowl. However, no matter how much your rabbit relishes it, make sure you don’t offer too much at once.

Of course, some rabbits do not like pear. If your rabbit rejects pear when you offer it, try a couple of times, and then give up and choose other fruits. Remove all uneaten pear from the cage so it doesn’t go moldy, or you may risk your rabbit breathing in fungal spores. Don’t offer it pear in the future if it consistently doesn’t eat it.

Not all rabbits like pear, and they don’t need to eat it to stay healthy. If your rabbit isn’t keen, simply pick some other foods for it to enjoy.

How Should I Introduce Pear To My Rabbit?

If you want to give your rabbit pear for the first time, it’s important to do so slowly. Even foods that are considered safe can sometimes cause an unwanted reaction in individual rabbits, so be cautious with any new food, no matter how “rabbit friendly” it is.

To introduce pear for the first time, wash a pear and cut off a small, teaspoon-sized amount. Offer this to the rabbit without any other foods around, and check whether it eats it. If the rabbit does eat it, don’t introduce any other new foods for a few days, and keep an eye on it and its droppings.

If your rabbit seems to suffer from any negative effects as a result of eating the pear, such as diarrhea, constipation, lethargy, or loss of appetite, do not give it pear again. If you are really concerned, call a vet, but it is unusual for small amounts of food to cause major problems.

If your rabbit does not suffer from any complications, you can start giving it pear as a treat a couple of times a week.


Your rabbit should be able to safely eat small amounts of pear, and most rabbits love pear. They will happily eat it over other foods, so be cautious and only offer it in limited quantities to avoid the risk of upsetting your rabbit’s digestive system. Large quantities of pear could cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, obesity, or other digestive issues that might be serious.

Featured image by Nazar Nikonchuk /

Lou Carter

I’ve loved rabbits for as long as I can remember, so it felt natural to share my passion for lagomorphs with a much wider audience. My objective is to help owners to keep their pet rabbits happy and healthy.

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MLA Style: Carter, Lou. "Can Rabbits Eat Pears?" Rabbit Care Tips, (May 19, 2023),

APA Style: Carter, L. (May 19, 2023). Can Rabbits Eat Pears?. Rabbit Care Tips. Retrieved May 19, 2023, from

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