Can Rabbits Eat Squash?

Have you ever wanted to try and feed your rabbit squash? This is an unusual vegetable, but if you have some in season, you might be wondering whether you can safely add a few pieces to your rabbit’s food bowl or not.

All edible squashes should be fine for your rabbit to eat in small quantities, but you should not feed your rabbit ornamental squash or wild squash if you have either of these. If you grow squashes in your garden or purchase them from a store, it’s fine to share a small amount with your rabbit.

Is Squash Safe For Rabbits?

Squash is safe for rabbits, but make sure you are only feeding it the same squashes that you yourself would eat. Ornamental squashes and wild squashes that you have found growing could contain dangerous toxins that might poison your bunny. However, store-bought squash should be perfectly safe for a rabbit to consume.

Squash contains some valuable vitamins and minerals, including potassium, manganese, copper, and magnesium. It is also high in vitamin C and water, but rabbits do produce vitamin C naturally, so this may not be enormously beneficial.

Small amounts of squash can boost your rabbit’s health, but you do need to be careful about offering it too much.

Can Squash Be Dangerous To Rabbits?

Squash can be dangerous to rabbits in some circumstances, yes. Squashes do not contain much fiber, which rabbits need, and they have a high water content, which could give your rabbit diarrhea or stomach cramps.

If you have heard of Toxic Squash Syndrome, you might be wondering whether it really is safe to feed squash to your rabbit. However, this should not be a problem as long as you are only feeding your rabbit edible squashes.

It can be very dangerous to rabbits and may cause dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, and diarrhea, but it shouldn’t be a problem in any store bought squashes. If you aren’t sure, taste a very small amount of the squash. It will be bitter if it is toxic, so as long as it tastes okay, it should be fine for your rabbit to eat.

How Much Squash Can A Rabbit Have?

Because of the high water content in most squashes, it’s best to limit the amount that you offer. It’s also high in carbohydrates, which can increase the risk of your rabbit becoming overweight.

Rabbits enjoy having a very varied diet, so it’s a good idea to mix small amounts of squash with other foods, and only feed it to your rabbit occasionally. You should allow a teaspoon or two for every two pounds of your rabbit’s weight, or go for slightly less than this.

Overall, your rabbit should get around ninety percent of its food from hay or grass, and you should only give up to ten percent of its diet as fresh vegetables like squash. If you feed your rabbit more of other kinds of vegetables, offer it less squash.

Can Rabbits Eat Squash Skin?

Yes, rabbits can safely eat squash skin, and this is often higher in fiber than the flesh. This makes it better for the rabbit, so there’s no need to peel the squash before you feed it to your rabbit.

However, it is a good idea to thoroughly wash the squash, even if you purchase organic vegetables. This removes any risk of accidentally allowing your rabbit to ingest chemicals or dirt, and increases the safety of the food. Slice off a few small chunks and serve them to your bunny.

Should You Give A Rabbit Cooked Squash?

You should not give a rabbit cooked squash, no. A rabbit’s digestive system is not designed to cope well with any cooked food, and it’s better not to offer any, as it might cause stomach upsets and diarrhea.

Rabbits should only be given raw vegetables, and never any cooked food or leftovers from cooked food. This isn’t safe or necessary, and you should be particularly cautious if you have cooked the squash in salted water.

Can A Rabbit Have Squash Seeds?

This depends on the kind of squash. Summer squashes tend to have small, half-formed seeds because they are harvested quite young. These seeds are often hard to tell apart from the main flesh of the plant, and will be difficult to remove. Fortunately, they are safe for the rabbit to eat and you don’t need to scrape them out.

However, winter squashes tend to have larger, better formed seeds, and these should be removed before you give the squash to your rabbit. These seeds tend to be both fatty and heavy in carbohydrates, making them a poor food choice for a rabbit.

They may also present a choking hazard because they are soft, but harder than the rest of the flesh, so take a few minutes to scrape them all out of the squash’s flesh with a knife or a spoon before you give the squash to your rabbit.

How Should You Introduce Squash To A Rabbit?

Don’t give your rabbit a large helping of squash when you first offer it some. You should start with a very small portion. Cut off a teaspoon-sized chunk and offer this to your bunny. Check whether it eats this, and then wait for a couple of days.

Look out for changes in your rabbit’s droppings or behavior. If the rabbit seems to be in pain or becomes lethargic, or if its droppings become loose or watery or very dry, be cautious about feeding it more squash.

Although squash is safe for bunnies in general, you may find that it doesn’t agree with your rabbit’s stomach. If this is the case, choose other vegetables to feed to it.


Rabbits can have squash and often seem to enjoy this vegetable, but be aware that it is a little heavy in carbohydrates. Do not give it to your rabbit on a regular basis, and avoid it if your rabbit is overweight. You should wash the outside of the squash’s skin before giving it to your rabbit.

Lou Carter

I’ve loved rabbits for as long as I can remember, so it felt natural to share my passion for lagomorphs with a much wider audience. My objective is to help owners to keep their pet rabbits happy and healthy.

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MLA Style: Carter, Lou. "Can Rabbits Eat Squash?" Rabbit Care Tips, (May 3, 2022),

APA Style: Carter, L. (May 3, 2022). Can Rabbits Eat Squash?. Rabbit Care Tips. Retrieved May 3, 2022, from

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