Can Rabbits Eat Cauliflower?

Have you ever wondered if you can feed cauliflower to your rabbit? We all know that rabbits love fruits and vegetables, but is cauliflower a safe option for your bunny’s lunch, or can it cause digestive issues?

Rabbits can eat and usually enjoy cauliflower in small amounts. However, like all the vegetables in the brassica family, it should only be offered in moderation, as it can cause gas buildup that is uncomfortable and unsafe for your rabbit. Don’t feed your rabbit cauliflower alongside other brassicas.

What’s The Problem With Brassicas?

Brassicas can be an issue for rabbits because they can cause quite a lot of gas in the digestive system. Some rabbits will not have any problems, but others will start to suffer from gastrointestinal distress if they eat too much cauliflower.

Rabbits do not have the ability to pass gas, so any buildup within the system can make them quite uncomfortable, and in some very rare cases, it can even be fatal.

That is why it’s important to feed brassicas (as a group) in moderation, and only occasionally. If you give your rabbit cauliflower, you should not also be giving it broccoli.

A good rule of thumb is to allow at least one day to pass between feeding your rabbit any members of the brassica family. This should give them enough time for their digestive systems to process the food.

If you are worried that your rabbit gets tummy problems after eating brassicas, stop feeding them to it, and find other vegetables that are more suitable. Some rabbits simply have more sensitive digestive systems than others do.

Rabbit with a califlower

How Much Cauliflower Can My Rabbit Have?

Your rabbit can have a handful of fresh vegetables each day – in total. This should be a mix of different foods, and not just one, so don’t give it a whole handful of cauliflower florets. Instead, chop a couple of florets into the bowl, alongside other vegetables.

Cauliflower has many health benefits. It is a good source of vitamin C, fiber, vitamin K, and protein. It is also low in sugar, which makes it better for your bunny. In small quantities, it’s a valuable and nutritious food, but don’t be tempted to give your rabbit too much.

A handful of vegetables might seem like a rather stingy amount, but remember that your bunny gets most of its nutrition from grass or hay, and it should have this in unlimited quantities.

Rabbits do not need to eat a lot of other foods to survive; grass contains almost everything that they require.

Vegetables are an important aspect of the diet and they enrich your rabbit’s life, but they must be limited in quantity to avoid upsetting your rabbit’s digestive system.

Which Parts Of A Cauliflower Can My Rabbit Eat?

Your rabbit can have any part of the cauliflower. You can give it the stalks, the florets, and the leaves. If you do not use leaves up yourself (although many people do), it’s easy enough to chop some of these into your rabbit’s bowl and reduce your food waste.

The whole cauliflower provides fiber and nutrients, so there is no reason to avoid feeding any part of it to your bunny. It will enjoy it regardless of which bits it gets.

How Should I Serve Cauliflower?

You should always wash cauliflower before giving it to your rabbit, removing any traces of pests or chemicals. Do not cook cauliflower, as a rabbit has evolved to eat raw foods.

Instead, simply chop it into manageable sized chunks and add it to your rabbit’s bowl. Your rabbit may show preferences for certain parts of the cauliflower, in which case you should only serve those. There is no point in giving your bunny foods that it doesn’t enjoy eating.

The first time that you serve cauliflower to your rabbit, make sure you only give it one small piece.

You should not offer it any other new foods at the same time, and you should not give it any more cauliflower until a couple of days have passed. During those days, watch out for any signs of distress or discomfort.

Check your rabbit’s droppings, and make sure it is eating normally. If everything seems okay, you can start introducing cauliflower into your rabbit’s diet on a regular basis.

Rotate it with other vegetables so that your rabbit gets varied nutrients. It will also enjoy being given different, interesting foods.

What Should I Do If My Rabbit Has Eaten Too Much Cauliflower?

If you think your bunny has had too much cauliflower, it is a good idea to contact your vet and talk to them about the issue and your rabbit’s symptoms. These may clear up on their own, but it is still important to get expert advice.

If your rabbit has reacted to cauliflower, it may be best not to feed it this again in the future, or to only offer it in very small amounts. Keep an eye out for any recurring symptoms.

What If My Rabbit Won’t Eat Any Part Of A Cauliflower?

Some bunnies simply do not enjoy cauliflower. Like humans, rabbits seem to have different tastes, and what one bunny loves, another will reject. If you find that your rabbit is disinterested in or outright rejects cauliflower, the best thing to do is to stop giving it any.

Rabbits will be fine without cauliflower in their diet, and it is wasteful to keep offering it. Remove any old pieces of cauliflower from your rabbit’s cage as soon as it becomes clear the bunny is not going to eat them.

If your rabbit consistently rejects cauliflower, swap it for a vegetable that it enjoys more.


As long as you feed it in moderation, cauliflower is safe for rabbits. However, you should keep an eye out for any digestive issues, and you should not give your rabbit a lot of cauliflower under any circumstances, even if it loves it.

Rotate all the brassica vegetables so that you are never giving your rabbit a lot of this family as a whole, and make sure you keep quantities low.

Lou Carter

I’ve loved rabbits for as long as I can remember, so it felt natural to share my passion for lagomorphs with a much wider audience. My objective is to help owners to keep their pet rabbits happy and healthy.

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MLA Style: Carter, Lou. "Can Rabbits Eat Cauliflower?" Rabbit Care Tips, (May 19, 2023),

APA Style: Carter, L. (May 19, 2023). Can Rabbits Eat Cauliflower?. Rabbit Care Tips. Retrieved May 19, 2023, from

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