Can Rabbits Eat Raisins?

Rabbit owners are always on the lookout for treats that will make their bunny happy. As such, you may be curious if raisins can brighten up your rabbit’s day, and diet. After all, these dried grapes are bite-sized and full of nutrients. However, what’s healthy for humans may be poisonous to rabbits, so it’s worth double-checking first.

Raisins are safe for bunnies to eat. They are packed with nutrients and minerals that can even give your rabbit a health boost. However, because they are high in sugar, raisins should only be fed sparingly. Overfeeding with these treats can lead to serious health issues. Two whole raisins twice a week should be a safe amount for your rabbit.

When feeding your bunny raisins, be sure to prepare them correctly. Any pesticides should be washed off, and you should check if your raisin is seedless. Young rabbits should not be fed raisins. Their developing gut can experience more adverse effects than adult rabbits.

Are Raisins Poisonous To Rabbits?

There is nothing in raisins that’s toxic to rabbits. There are no harmful chemicals or components in this natural treat. You can safely feed the dried grapes in nearly any form to your adult rabbit.

However, raisins are not the healthiest food to give to your bunny. If you want to include them in the diet, be sure to do so in small amounts. As a treat, they can be a great addition. As a meal, raisins can be harmful.

Are Raisins Good for Rabbits?

Raisins are safe to feed to your rabbit. However, they’re not ‘good’ for bunnies either. This is primarily because of their high sugar content.

Nonetheless, when given in small amounts, that shouldn’t overwhelm the benefits of these dried grapes. In fact, your rabbit’s health can even enjoy a boost with a few raisins now and then.

do rabbits like to eat raisins?

Low In Calories

Raisins are very low-calorie, which makes them great for a rabbit’s diet. On average, there are only 2 calories in one raisin. Since rabbits need a great deal of calories to function healthily, this won’t even dent their necessary daily intake.

That may sound like bad news. On the contrary, it means the raisins won’t unbalance your bunny’s otherwise healthy diet. Your rabbit can enjoy the health benefits of raisins while still leaving room for its normal hay, grass, or pellets.

High In Fiber

Raisins have a high degree of fiber. As such, not only are they tasty, but they’re helpful for a rabbit’s digestion.

A lack of fiber can make bunnies prone to gastrointestinal issues, which can be fatal. If your rabbit needs a digestive boost, raisins can double as both comfort food and a healthy dose of fiber.

High In Antioxidants

Antioxidants are a substance that can protect from a host of illnesses. These include heart disease, cancer, stroke, immune deficiency, and even respiratory diseases. Raisins are a great source of antioxidants, keeping your bunny safe and healthy.

Source Of Important Minerals

Raisins are full of important minerals – chief among them being calcium. Calcium is a vital component in strengthening bones. As animals with a delicate bone structure, calcium is essential for rabbits.

Likewise, calcium is very important for eye health. Rabbits have surprisingly good vision. By including a few raisin treats in your rabbit’s diet, you can help maintain its visual advantage.

Besides calcium, raisins are also high in magnesium. This mineral is important to keeping the cardiovascular system healthy. As such, your rabbit’s heart, veins, and arteries will be kept in top shape. If a rabbit lacks magnesium, its cardiovascular system may suffer.

This is supported by the journal of Nutrition Research. Researchers gave an inadequate amount of magnesium to a group of New Zealand white rabbits for 8 weeks. When the levels of magnesium were increased, their symptoms of atherosclerotic plaque lessened.

Raisins are also high in potassium, which helps in keeping muscles healthy and strong. A lack of potassium can even result in death, according to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition. Findings showed that a lack of potassium caused muscular dystrophy, or weakened muscles, at a severe and rapidly progressing rate. This led to death at 4 to 6 weeks.

Are Raisins Bad for Rabbits?

Raisins are safe and healthy treats for rabbits. However, that doesn’t mean you should feed your rabbit as many as it wants. There are still a few downsides to this dried fruit that you should be aware of.

Raisins Are High In Sugar

Food that is high in sugar is not healthy for rabbits. As a matter of fact, rabbits in the wild will avoid high-sugar foods, as it can destabilize their gut flora. That can cause discomfort, impaction, other health issues, or possibly death if left untreated. So, while raisins have many benefits, that doesn’t eliminate their high sugar content.

Even still, in small amounts, the sugar will be too minor to harm your rabbit. Just be sure to ration its intake carefully. If you want to be extra careful, all the benefits found in raisins can also be found in other parts of a rabbit’s diet. For example, minerals, like potassium and magnesium, can also be found in high-quality rabbit pellets.

Not A Good Source of Fiber

Raisins have a decent amount of fiber. However, their high sugar levels make them bad to eat in large amounts. If you’re trying to boost your rabbit’s fiber intake with raisins, you’re probably giving it too much sugar.

Because rabbits are herbivores, they need a great deal of fiber in their diet. However, this should be primarily found through hay, grass, and leafy greens. Any other food, like veggies and fruits, should only be given as a treat. That will ensure that your rabbit has a healthy stomach.

Easy To Overfeed

On top of their high sugar content, raisins are easy to overfeed. Because they are so small, it’s easy to lose track of how much your rabbit has consumed.

It’s also simple for owners to feel like they’re not properly rewarding their bun with only four raisins a week. In fact, it can even feel like teasing, which might encourage you to give the rabbit more, unbalancing its diet.

Just remember that when you feed too much to your rabbit, raisins can wreak havoc on its digestive system.

Do Rabbits Like To Eat Raisins?

Because of their high sugar content, your rabbit will probably enjoy eating raisins. Once you’ve introduced this dried treat, your bunny will probably crave and beg for more.

On the other hand, not all rabbits have the same preferences. By default, rabbits are picky eaters. If one of your bunnies likes raisins, another may not. If your rabbit does not like raisins, don’t worry. There are many other treats that can be used to train and enrich your rabbit’s life.

Are Yogurt Covered Raisins Good for Rabbits?

If raisins are safe for rabbits, you may wonder if yogurt-covered raisins are also healthy for your bun. Unfortunately, this is not true. Adding yogurt to raisins will only make the treat less healthy, not more healthy.

This is because rabbits are herbivores. Eating any animal product, like yogurt, can disrupt their sensitive gut flora. A rabbit’s digestive system is simply not equipped to handle these fats and proteins.

This is supported by a study published in the International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology. Rabbits that were fed cow’s milk developed rheumatoid-like lesions. Furthermore, dairy products are a common cause of GI stasis, a serious type of gut problem in bunnies.

You may have noticed yogurt drops in pet stores, advertised as safe for rabbits. This is mainly as a special treatment. Because yogurt is packed with its own bacterial culture, in rare cases, rabbits with digestive issues can benefit from eating yogurt. However, the yogurt should be watered down and given in small amounts. This should only be done under your supervision and after consulting your vet.

If this unique situation does not apply to your rabbit, you should not feed it yogurt. Therefore, yogurt-covered raisins are dangerous to rabbits.

Picking Raisins for Your Rabbits

So, will any raisins do for your bunny? Technically speaking, yes, rabbits can eat any raisins. However, these tips will help ensure your bunny only has good experiences:

Stick To Brands That Are Low In Sugar

Many raisin brands have added sugar. This is designed to make the dried fruit more appealing to humans. However, raisins are already very sweet, so added sugar will make them less safe for your bun.

Keep in mind that organic brands are likely to have the least amount of sugar. Pet shops also sell low-sugar, rabbit-safe raisins, but will likely charge a heftier price.

Check the Serving Sizes

When buying a pack of raisins, make sure to check the nutrition facts. These should be measured based on the serving per container. Remember that one container can have more than one serving.

Some brands will hide their total sugar content by offering unusual serving sizes. Be careful, or you may accidentally give your rabbit a large helping thanks to a bad calculation.

Only Buy A Small Pack

Because your rabbit will only need a few raisins per week, you don’t need to keep a big pack on hand. Instead, it’s best to stick to smaller bags to feed your rabbit. By doing so, there’s also a lesser chance of overfeeding your rabbit.

Introducing Raisins To Your Rabbit

Encouraging your rabbit to eat raisins may not be simple. Rabbits are picky eaters, and they often turn up their nose at new food. As such, all, changes or new additions to a rabbit’s food should be done properly and carefully. What is the best way to introduce raisins to your rabbits?

  • Start with the smallest raisin you can find and give that to your rabbit. If your rabbit has any adverse reactions to the treat, this will ensure it’s minimized.
  • After giving your bunny the smallest piece, observe your rabbit. If your rabbit is bothered by the sugar content, pesticides, or seeds, you will be able to tell in the first several hours.
  • Stay vigilant for signs of stomach upset. Lesser symptoms will not need a vet visit.
  • If your rabbit begins to show signs of weakness, or refuses to eat or drink, be sure to call your vet.

In the worst case, your rabbit’s digestive balance may be disrupted by the introduction of the sugar. If pesticides were present on the raisins, your bunny may experience more severe symptoms. A vet can introduce treatments to get your rabbit back in balance.

How To Prepare Raisins for Rabbits

Raisins aren’t difficult to eat, of course. However, it’s important to remember that rabbits can get sick from outside chemicals or encounter other problems when eating new foods. Before feeding your bunny raisins, remember to:

Rinse Your Raisins

Grapes made into raisins often have pesticide residue. This is particularly true for Muscat, Sultana, and Black Corinth. A human may not tell the difference, but a rabbit often can. Be sure to rinse the raisins before feeding them to your bunny.

A quick rinse in cold, running water should remove any lingering chemicals. As a bonus, you’ll be cleaning off dust or soil that may have coated the raisin during the original drying process.

Alternatively, you can opt for organic raisins. These brands may be a little pricey, but they’re not made from grapes that have been sprayed with pesticides.

can you feed rabbits raisins?

Cut Into Small Pieces

Before feeding raisins to your bunny, be sure to cut them into small pieces. As tiny chunks, there’s less chance of overfeeding them to your rabbit.

Additionally, chopping up these dried grapes will remove any seeds that are inside the raisins. While they’re often made from seedless grape varieties, that’s not always the case. This practice will reduce choking hazards and keep you on the safe side.

Use As A Form of Enrichment

A great way to keep your rabbit from eating too many raisins is to make the bunny work for it. This approach also doubles as a quality form of exercise.

To use raisins as enrichment, hide them inside your rabbit’s toys or habitat. Your bunny will have a chance to dig around and interact with objects. At the end, it’ll be rewarded with a tasty treat.

How Many Raisins Should You Feed Your Rabbit?

There is no official recommendation on how many raisins can be fed to a rabbit. However, vets commonly agree on how much fruit a rabbit can eat per day. Specifically, this is one teaspoon of fruit per two pounds of a rabbit’s bodyweight.

However, the problem is that raisins are dried. Therefore, they weigh significantly less than other types of fruits. Additionally, they’re not just lighter – they’re also much smaller. As such, the number of raisins safe for a rabbit to eat will be much less.

As a rule of thumb, it’s best to feed your rabbit no more than two whole pieces of raisins, no more than two times a week. That estimate suits an average-sized rabbit – specifically of about five pounds.

Raisin Shorthand

What if your rabbit is larger or smaller? Think about how many grapes you would feed to your rabbit. One whole grape will equal one raisin. As such, while two raisins may seem paltry, they would be considerably more filling in their full, water-packed form.

Of course, bigger rabbits can eat more, and lighter rabbits should eat less. Since every rabbit is different, you should still keep an eye on how your rabbit reacts, regardless of its weight or the amount of raisins.     

Can You Give Raisins To Young Rabbits?

Raisins are not inherently toxic to younger rabbits. However, as a rule of thumb, it’s not wise to give fruits and veggies to younger rabbits.

As kits, rabbits are still developing the gut flora that will carry them throughout life. Any food that can upset the stomach of an adult rabbit will impact a young rabbit even faster – and more harshly. With their underdeveloped digestive system, it will be harder for baby rabbits to digest new food. Any harmful bacteria they encounter will have far more negative effects.

For this reason, feeding raisins to a young rabbit is discouraged. It may not harm the bunny immediately, but it’s far more likely to harm it overall. Instead, wait until it’s grown into adulthood before introducing it to this delicious – but tricky – treat.

Rabbits can eat raisins safely. While they’re not the superfood your bunny’s diet needs, there are benefits to using raisins as a treat. Be sure to clean them properly, chop them into pieces, and only feed your rabbit two whole raises twice a week. If rationed sparingly, your rabbit can enjoy the flavor, the minerals and nutrients, and the added enrichment to its lifestyle.

Lou Carter

I’ve loved rabbits for as long as I can remember, so it felt natural to share my passion for lagomorphs with a much wider audience. My objective is to help owners to keep their pet rabbits happy and healthy.

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MLA Style: Carter, Lou. "Can Rabbits Eat Raisins?" Rabbit Care Tips, (May 19, 2023),

APA Style: Carter, L. (May 19, 2023). Can Rabbits Eat Raisins?. Rabbit Care Tips. Retrieved May 19, 2023, from

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