Can Rabbits Eat Radishes?

Along with a constant supply of hay, rabbits need one serving of mixed vegetables a day to stay healthy and thrive. Usually, rabbits can eat most of the same vegetables that humans do. You may be wondering if you can give your rabbit some of your dinner leftovers, including radishes.

However, rabbits have much more fragile digestive systems than humans (or even other pets such as dogs and cats). Some foods that are safe for humans, even vegetables that we think are safe for herbivorous animals such as rabbits, may actually cause serious illness and even fatalities.

Rabbits can eat radishes. However, they should only eat this vegetable in moderation. Keep reading to learn more about how to safely feed radishes to your rabbit.

Bunny eating a radish

Which Parts of the Radish Can a Rabbit Eat?

Radishes are made up of two parts: the bulbous root (usually pink and white in the most common radish varieties) and the leafy radish tops. Both parts of the radish are safe for a rabbit to eat.

There are a few different varieties of radishes. You may be familiar with red radishes, but there are also Daikon and white radishes. All types of radishes are safe for rabbits to eat.

Although radishes are not toxic for rabbits, they contain certain nutrients that could lead to serious health complications if you feed too much of them to your rabbit.

How Many Radishes Can a Rabbit Eat?

The answer to this question depends on the part of the radish that you are talking about.

Radish tops are better for rabbits than radish roots, although rabbits can consume both parts of the radish safely. You can chop up a handful of radish greens and add it to your rabbit’s daily serving of salad. Rabbits should have about a cup of salad a day (increase this for larger bunnies).

However, if you are adding radish greens to your rabbit’s daily salad, be sure that you are not adding any other type of high-oxalate vegetable such as spinach, parsley, or beet greens. Oxalate is a type of salt that is healthy in moderation for rabbits, but too much of it can cause your bunny to develop calcium stones in the kidney or bladder. Mix radish greens with low-oxalate vegetables such as bok choy, watercress, or green leaf lettuce.

While your rabbit can have radish greens daily, it should not have radish roots as often. You can feed your rabbit one or two small radishes as a treat a few times a week. Before fully incorporating radishes into your rabbit’s treat rotation, try feeding it a slice or two to see how it reacts. If you see signs of digestive distress, do not continue feeding your rabbit radishes.

Also, your rabbit might turn its nose up at radishes because some bunnies are very picky eaters. In that case, try feeding it a different fruit or vegetable.

Why Are Too Many Radishes Bad for Rabbits?

Radish roots contain minerals and nutrients that are healthy for humans and rabbits. They are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. While rabbits do not need large amounts of vitamin C from their food, it doesn’t hurt. Radishes are also rich in water, which can help your rabbit stay hydrated.

However, radishes also contain high amounts of starches and natural sugars. Too much starch can cause your rabbit to gain weight. While an overweight rabbit may be fun to cuddle, too many pounds could cause serious health issues for your bunny. Obesity in rabbits can cause chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, and impact your rabbit’s delicate joints and feet.

Too much starchy food, which includes radishes, can lead to digestive problems such as gas. Although gas is just an uncomfortable problem for humans, it can cause serious problems for rabbits because they have no way of passing gas and relieving that pain.

It can be hard to notice sickness in rabbits because their instinct is to hide it. Stay alert for any changes in behavior, particularly increased lethargy, refusing food and treats, and hiding. You may also notice changes in their digestive functioning, such as no pooping, diarrhea, or even rumbling in their tummies.

If you think that your rabbit has gas, call a veterinarian immediately. You can treat some mild episodes of gas at home with gas drops and hydration, although always talk to your vet before preparing an emergency medical kit for your rabbit. If your rabbit’s condition is serious, you will need to go to the veterinarian immediately because their condition can deteriorate quickly.

What Vegetables Can Rabbits Eat?

Radishes, including radish greens, are safe for rabbits in moderation. The bulk of a rabbit’s diet should consist of hay.

Your rabbit should also have about a cup of a mixed green salad every day (larger rabbits should have more). You can vary which vegetables you feed to your rabbit as long as you double-check that they are rabbit-safe first.

The bulk of your rabbit’s vegetable salad should consist of low-oxalate vegetables and leafy greens. Examples of rabbit-safe greens include romaine lettuce, bok choy, endive, and cilantro.

When making your rabbit’s vegetable mix, make sure that you are including just one vegetable that is high in calcium, such as radish greens. Too many calcium-rich veggies can lead to kidney stones.

Before feeding any vegetables to your rabbit, you should wash them thoroughly as even organic vegetables can have harmful pesticides and chemicals on their leaves. When introducing any new food to your rabbit, including radishes, start with a small piece and monitor your rabbit closely for signs of digestive problems for about a day afterward.


Both radish greens and radish bulbs are safe for rabbits to eat in moderation. You can add a handful of radish greens to your rabbit’s regular salad as long as the other vegetables are not calcium-rich greens. You can feed a few slices of radish to your rabbit as a treat, but do not go overboard as radishes are rich in starches, which are bad for rabbits.

Lou Carter

I’ve loved rabbits for as long as I can remember, so it felt natural to share my passion for lagomorphs with a much wider audience. My objective is to help owners to keep their pet rabbits happy and healthy.

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MLA Style: Carter, Lou. "Can Rabbits Eat Radishes?" Rabbit Care Tips, (May 19, 2023),

APA Style: Carter, L. (May 19, 2023). Can Rabbits Eat Radishes?. Rabbit Care Tips. Retrieved May 19, 2023, from

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