House Rabbit vs. Outdoor Rabbit: Which is the Better Choice?

Rabbits can live indoors or outdoors. Where you decide to house your pet depends on the amount of space that you have available, your lifestyle choices, and your rabbit’s temperament.

If predators visit your yard, or your state is prone to extreme hot or cold weather, indoors is safer. But living outdoors satisfies a rabbit’s wild instincts. Your pet will also use natural light to mediate her body clock and shedding patterns.

Your rabbit’s unique personality will give an idea of where she would rather live. Some rabbits seek your company indoors. Others are more independent and enjoy having some outdoor privacy. Either arrangement can work, as long as you meet all of your rabbit’s different needs.

Should a Rabbit Live Inside or Outside?

There are pros and cons to both living arrangements for rabbits. There are many things to consider. Armed with this information, you can make the best possible decision for your rabbit.


Living indoors will appeal to a social rabbit. People will always be around. Even rabbits need time alone occasionally, though. Your pet may grow over-stimulated if she never gets any privacy.

If your rabbit lives outdoors, she should have a mate. Otherwise, she will spend lots of time by herself. This could make your rabbit lonely, stressed, and anxious.

If you cannot adopt a second rabbit, you should spend time with your pet regularly. Get her into a routine of company and playtime. This will go some way to alleviating your rabbit’s loneliness. She also needs lots of toys and other distractions.


Your pet will groom herself regularly, and her poop is neither prominent nor foul-smelling. Rabbit urine smells bad, though.

Rabbit pee has a strong, ammonia-like stench. You must be vigilant about cleaning your pet’s hutch if she lives indoors. Strict litter training will also be non-negotiable.

If your rabbit lives outdoors, you will likely not notice any smell. You’ll still need to thoroughly clean your pet’s hutch once a week though. If you do notice a strong smell, perform a spot clean.


Rabbits are non-verbal animals. An indoor rabbit can still be noisy, though. Your pet may knock things over in her hutch, or dig and chew at the bars of her hutch. This could keep you up at night.

Rabbits also have sensitive hearing. The television or radio may cause your pet distress. The slamming of doors and cupboards can also be problematic.

A rabbit’s noisy habits will go unnoticed outdoors. You won’t hear any digging or biting. Your pet will also not be upset by loud noises from children in the home.

There are noises outdoors that cause a rabbit stress. Car horns, sirens, fireworks, and shouting may become overwhelming. Consider soundproofing an outdoor hutch in a busy urban area.

can rabbits live outside all year round?


Safety is paramount for rabbits. As a prey species, rabbits will always feel vulnerable to nocturnal predators when outdoors. Housing your rabbit indoors will prevent this from happening.

You’ll still need to be mindful of other pets. If you have a cat, she’ll stalk the house by night. Ensure that she doesn’t terrorize your rabbit while you are asleep in another room.

Predators are the biggest danger to an outdoor rabbit. Your pet may become frightened when alone in the dark. She will not be able to see foxes, owls, possums, and other natural enemies. She will be able to hear and smell them, though.

Ensure that your rabbit’s hutch is sufficiently protected from wild visitors. Failure to do so could have dire consequences for your rabbit’s health.


If you keep your rabbit indoors, you’ll need to be vigilant about managing her temperature. Rabbits prefer to be cool than overly hot. This means that your home may become uncomfortable.

Be careful about switching on the central heating when the temperature drops. Keep an eye on the heat of your home in the summer, too. If your rabbit starts to look uncomfortable, consider rehoming her outside.

Rabbits may be small, but they are hardy. Rabbits grow and shed fur schedule based on the weather. Your pet grows thick fur to accommodate a cooler climate, and sheds in spring.

For most rabbits, any temperature above freezing is fine. Be mindful of unexpected cold snaps during spring or summer. Your pet may have shed her winter coat, expecting warmer temperatures.

Exercise and Space

One of the biggest challenges to housing a rabbit indoors is space. Your rabbit needs a substantial hutch in which she can move. A rabbit run will also be helpful. This means that your rabbit can get some exercise in safety.

You will likely not have room for this indoors. You’ll need to ensure that your rabbit is regularly released for exercise. She needs at least three hours of free running each day.

If your rabbit lives outdoors, you can expand her hutch-based exercise options. Attaching a run to the hutch means that your rabbit can move freely. This will give her exercise, and keep her entertained and happy.

You’ll still need to let her out for free running. If your pet is used to being outside, she’ll be more comfortable running around the yard. The sights, smells, and sounds will be familiar.


Rabbits are sensitive to light. The eyes are designed to complement the crepuscular nature of wild rabbits. Rabbits see best in dim light. Bright, artificial light hurts a rabbit’s eyes.

Also, rabbits use light to judge their shedding schedule. Provide your rabbit with a contrast of light and dark. If your rabbit lives outdoors, she will take her cues from natural light.

When days are shorter and the nights are longer, your pet knows that winter is coming. This means that she’ll grow a winter coat accordingly. Similarly, when the sun begins to shine, your rabbit realizes that spring is in the air.

Rabbits also use natural light to tell time. Your pet will know when to expect food and playtime based on the sun’s location.


Some rabbit experts believe that indoor rabbits enjoy a longer, healthier life. This is because these pets are not exposed to the risk of predators or extreme weather.

In addition, an indoor rabbit will be constantly visible. Your rabbit will hide any signs of ill health as long as possible. You will quickly notice if she displays warning signs of pain or sickness.

There is no reason why a rabbit’s lifespan outdoors should be shorter. You just need to take the appropriate care to protect your pet. Ensure that she is always safe from predators and weather.

Are Rabbits Happier Indoors or Outdoors?

This depends entirely on your rabbit’s personality. If your pet is nervous by nature, or highly sociable, she may prefer to be indoors. This means that she will always have company and feel protected.

Some rabbits are more comfortable with an outdoor life. If your pet is more independent, she’ll enjoy time to herself. An outdoor rabbit will learn when to expect company and interaction. Rabbits can be patient when it suits them.

A rabbit’s previous experiences will also play a part. If you purchased a rabbit from a pet store, she will be used to being indoors. She will be accustomed to regular human interaction, and likely lived with other rabbits. Living outside, especially alone, may be a culture shock.

Once you’ve chosen your rabbit’s location, see how she reacts. The signs of a happy rabbit include:

  • Grooming. If your pet is comfortable, she will spend a large part of her day grooming herself. If you have two rabbits, grooming each other is a great sign of relaxed bonding.
  • A healthy appetite. Rabbits are food-focused pets. A rabbit should eat hay and fresh vegetables throughout the day. This denotes contentment.
  • Welcoming playtime. A happy rabbit will be excited to see you. She will jump, dance, and binky when you arrive. If you’re very lucky, she may even lick you.
  • Purring. Rabbits denote happiness and contentment by purring. This is a slightly different sound to a cat. A rabbit purrs by gently chattering her teeth.

On the other hand, look out for these warning signs of discontentment:

  • Thumping of the foot. This may denote that your rabbit is bored or stressed.
  • Not eating or drinking. When a rabbit is anxious, her appetite suffers. Rabbits cannot last long without food or water.
  • Rejecting interaction. If your rabbit hides from you, she is afraid of you. This suggests that she is living in a constant state of vigilance and fear.
  • Lack of grooming. If your pet neglects self-care, then something is clearly bothering her.

It may take time for your rabbit to adjust. You will need to build a bond of trust. If you are convinced that your pet is unhappy, look into moving her hutch. Just avoid flip-flopping between different locations too much. Rabbits like routine. Constant change will cause stress and anxiety.

Can Rabbits Live Outside All Year Around?

With the appropriate care, a rabbit can flourish outdoors all year around. If you have an outdoor rabbit, she should stay outside all year.

Constant changes to the location cause stress to rabbits. Your pet will be used to particular temperatures, light cycles, and ambient noise levels. If these change, it makes a rabbit anxious.

Despite this, you cannot just set up a rabbit’s hutch and leave her to it. Different seasons bring upon different challenges for rabbits. Adapt your care schedule according to the time of year.

Outdoor Rabbits During the Winter

Rabbits do not hibernate during winter. Most rabbits come to life during cold weather. Your pet will want to be more active and increase her body temperature through exercise.

Many wild rabbits flourish in snowy conditions. If your rabbit lives outdoors throughout the year, she’ll grow winter fur. This will keep her warm in all but the harshest temperatures.

should a rabbit live inside or outside?

Although rabbits can tolerate the cold, wind and rain are different concerns. Your rabbit must be shielded from these weathers. Rabbits loathe having wet fur, and draughts can make rabbits sick.

In particularly poor weather, you may wish to move your rabbit indoors. Try to avoid the house in these instances. Moving suddenly into a brightly lit and warm house may put a rabbit in shock.

A garage could be the ideal location for a rabbit during stormy or exceptionally cold conditions. Just ensure the garage is not damp. Rabbits need to enjoy a constant circulation of good-quality air.

If you prefer to keep your rabbit outdoors, weatherproof her hutch. Insulation will keep the temperature acceptable. You can also cover the hutch with a tarpaulin during rainstorms. This will protect the roof of the hutch and prevent any wood from rotting.

Ensure that your rabbit is still eating and drinking during winter. Her water supply may freeze. Check and refill her bottle regularly. Rabbits can drink lukewarm chamomile tea in cold temperatures.

Outdoor Rabbits During the Summer

Heatwaves are more dangerous to rabbits than cold snaps. Although some wild rabbits live in the desert, hot climates are not natural for domesticated rabbits.

Just like winter, an outdoor rabbit’s coat will naturally adapt itself to hot weather. Rabbits shed a huge amount of fur in the spring. This is so your pet can cope with the impending sunshine.

Take necessary precautions during hot weather. This is particularly important if you have a white rabbit with red eyes. These rabbits contain the albino gene, which makes them sensitive to sunlight.

Provide whatever additional shade you can to your rabbit’s hutch during the summer. A strategically placed parasol is better than nothing. You could also rehome the hutch below a large tree.

Cooling mats could make your outdoor rabbit more comfortable in summer. Do not attach a fan to her hutch as rabbits hate draughts.

Housing a Rabbit Inside

If your rabbit lives indoors, you’ll be able to keep an eye on her. She will be safe from extreme weather and predatory wild animals. You may need to sacrifice a significant amount of living space.

If your rabbit is going to live inside, you must have her spayed. If you have a male rabbit, it’s even more critical to get him neutered.

Unfixed rabbits are extremely territorial. If your pet lives indoors, she’ll consider the entire house her territory. She may start marking this territory through urine. Other things to consider when keeping a rabbit indoors include:

  • Noise. Rabbits have excellent hearing. This means that the noise of a busy house may make your pet skittish. Consider soundproofing your pet’s hutch.
  • Light. Rabbits need a natural balance of light and dark. Being bathed in artificial light all day harms a rabbit’s health. Ensure that your rabbit has a dark area in her hutch to retreat to. A cardboard box will usually suffice.
  • Temperature. Rabbits like a cooler ambient temperature than humans. Never place your pet’s hutch beside a fire or radiator.
  • Company. If your rabbit lives indoors, she will grow used to having people around all the time. This is not a problem as rabbits love company. This makes time alone increasingly stressful, though. Play a radio or television on low volume for background noise when leaving the house.

If you work through these issues, your rabbit will become a happy and contented family member.

Do Indoor Rabbits Smell?

Rabbits are not smelly animals. Your pet will groom herself a great deal as a safety measure. In a rabbit’s mind, this prevents a predator from detecting her scent. If you clean your pet’s hutch once or twice a week, it should not smell.

One thing to be aware of with indoor rabbits is the smell of urine, though. Rabbit urine has a pungent stench. Litter-training your rabbit is critical, or the scent will fill your home. Change the litter at least once a day, ideally twice.

If you still notice a strange smell, check your pet over. Some rabbits enjoy reclining in their litter tray.

Are Indoor Rabbits Noisy?

Rabbits are among the least verbal of all traditional pets. A rabbit does not bark, meow, or squeak for attention. You’ll have to learn your pet’s body language cues instead.

Despite this, rabbits can still be noisy. As they have such excellent hearing, rabbits enjoy noisy toys and games. Many favored rabbit activities include chewing and knocking things over.

Your rabbit will also be awake after you go to bed. Remember this when you choose where to place her hutch. If your rabbit wants attention, she will make noise. She’ll dig, thump, and rattle her cage bars until you respond.

Whether a rabbit should live indoors or outdoors depends on two factors: your circumstances, and the persona of your pet. Nervous rabbits prefer the safety of indoor living. Curious rabbits enjoy the smells and sounds of the great outdoors.

Find an arrangement that works for you and your pet. Either location will be fine if you care for your rabbit appropriately. As long as you treat her needs as a priority, your pet will flourish anywhere.

Lou Carter

I’ve loved rabbits for as long as I can remember, so it felt natural to share my passion for lagomorphs with a much wider audience. My objective is to help owners to keep their pet rabbits happy and healthy.

2 thoughts on “House Rabbit vs. Outdoor Rabbit: Which is the Better Choice?”

  1. Nice but I hate seeing you encourage rabbits living outdoors. With the extreme temperatures our world is currently facing, outdoors is no place for companion rabbits. Outdoor rabbits have frozen to death and rabbits in 100+temps have died from heat stroke. And it’s only getting worse.

    Rabbits housed indoors can live wonderful long lives like my last two; one at 13 1/2 and the second at 14 1/2.

    Given that we, as individuals, have little control over outdoor temps I would love to see you edit your information to promote rabbits as indoor-only animal companions.

    • This is his opinion and his article. Odd request to ask the author to change it.
      I like that he includes indoor versus outdoor also depends on the bunny‘s personality. Keep in mind, not everyone lives in the US and the climates differ worldwide


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